Great River Montessori School
St. Paul, MN
Great River School (GRS) is a public K-12 charter school using an urban Montessori learning environment to prepare students for their unique roles as responsible and engaged citizens of the world. This project combines two adjacent sites comprising of a 3.4-acre parcel, with a total capacity of 650 students ranging from kindergarten through 12th grade.
CLIENT: Great River Montessori School
Type: K-12 education
Size: 38,000 SF (addition), 27,000 SF (renovation)

Self-Expression in a Supportive Environment
Great River School’s vision is to integrate academic and social experiences in an environment of civility and trust. The Montessori philosophy and the International Baccalaureate diploma program inform the curriculum and pedagogy, inspiring deep questioning and peaceful action. GRS fosters self-expression in a supportive environment that values critical thinking and the richness and strength of a diverse community. Instruction through travel, practical learning, the arts, and micro economic ventures provide relevant skills to meet the world with compassion and a sense of responsibility.