Say Hello Director of Code Compliance
Associate Partner
Minneapolis, MN
The rapid evolution of construction codes at the national and local levels presents a challenge for design professionals and owners undertaking new and existing building projects. As codes develop in response to advancements in building materials, methods, and systems, the importance of code compliance as a central aspect of project delivery is critical. At BKV Group, Larry Farris addresses these needs as a national resource in his Director of Code Compliance role. In providing firmwide support and experience for our holistic firm specializing in housing, government, commercial, hospitality, and education structures, Larry handles code issues for all BKV Group sites practices in Minneapolis, Chicago, Dallas, and Washington, DC. By aiding design teams with code review and regulatory approvals throughout the design and construction process, Larry ensures that code compliance is achieved in all aspects of the project. From conceptual design to construction, he brings tremendous value to new and existing building projects, and his early involvement facilitates a holistic approach to the design process and helps to minimize surprises and delays during permitting and construction. Over 30 years in code enforcement and consulting, Larry holds multiple certifications from ICC (International Code Council), and has served as a Building Official, Assistant Building Official, Plans Examiner, and Inspector, as well as taught classes and seminars at the University of Minnesota, University of Wisconsin (Madison), ICC Region III Educational Institute, 10,000 Lakes Chapter of ICC, and other local community colleges in the Twin Cities metro area.